We place greatest importance upon protection of your data and safeguarding of your private sphere. Hereinafter we therefore inform you about inquiry and utilisation of personal data whilst using our website.

Anonymous Data Inquiry
You can visit our website without providing any information regarding your personal data. In this context we do not safe any personal data. For improvement of our offering we only evaluate statistical data which do not allow any conclusion regarding your individual data.

Inquiry and Processing in Cases of Contact Requests
In cases of contact by email we inquire person-related data (one-on-one declaration about personal or factual conditions of a defined or definable natural person) solely within the scope provided by yourself. We utilise your email address exclusively for the processing of your information request. Your data are being deleted subsequently on the proviso that you did not approve a further processing and utilisation of the same.

Inquiry, Processing and Utilisation of Individual-Related Data
We inquire individual-related data (one-on-one declaration about personal or factual conditions of a defined or definable natural person) solely within the scope provided by yourself. The processing and utilisation of your individual-related data takes place solely for the fulfilment and the processing of your information request.
After completion of the contract processing your entire individual-related data initially and in due consideration of fiscal and trade legislation retention period will be filed and deleted after the expiry oft he term inasmuch as you did not approve a further processing and utilisation of the same. This also pertains for individual-related data acquired by means of social media contacts.

Disclosure of Individual-Related Data to Third Party
A disclosure of your individual-related data to third party without your explicit consent does not ensue. Exempted are exclusively our sub contractors required for the fulfilment of our contract relationship. In those cases we meticulously follow the guidelines of the data protection act. The scope of the data transfer is restricted to the absolte minimum.

Our internet websites do not apply cookies.

Disclosure, Correction, Blocking and Deletion of Data
At any time you are entitled to a free-of-charge disclosure as well as to a correction, blocking or deletion of your individual-related data filed. You can contact us upon request. The contact data are displayed in our legal notice.

Last update: 13.07.2018